
Why Do I Need an Accident Lawyer?


If you have been injured in a car accident, hiring an attorney is strongly recommended. Call Bednarz Law directly today.

Accidents can be terrifying and costly, especially when those involved suffer severe injuries. At the office of Bednarz Law, we know that when you have been involved in an accident caused by the negligence of another party, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries in full. When you call our accident lawyer prince george’s county md firm. we’ll work hard to get you a settlement. Before you start the claims process on your own, consider these top reasons to call an accident lawyer—

Your Lawyer Will Help You to Prove Fault

In an accident claim, you will need to prove the fault of the other party in order to recover compensation for your losses. If you are found to be at fault or partially at fault, this could diminish the value of your claim. When you work with an experienced car accident lawyer southfield mi, your lawyer will work hard to prove that your accident and injuries would not have occurred but for the negligence of the other party against whom you are filing a claim. Bednarz Law will open an investigation, gather evidence, and talk to witnesses on your behalf. 

You May Not Know the Value of Your Claim

The second important reason to hire an accident attorney when you have been involved in a serious accident is that you may not know how much your claim is worth. In an accident claim, you maintain the right to seek compensation for both economic and noneconomic losses. While economic damages are based on your actual out-of-pocket losses, noneconomic losses are harder to calculate, as these damages refer to compensation for intangible harm, like pain and suffering. An attorney can help. 

The Insurance Company Might Try to Lowball Your Settlement

While you may assume that the insurance company is on your side, the truth is that an insurance company’s job is to pay you as little as possible. This means that the insurance adjuster assigned to your claim will likely attempt to find ways to undermine it, such as assigning you fault for the accident or disputing the severity of your losses. Your attorney will represent you in settlement negotiations and ensure a settlement offer is fair before you accept it. 

You Want to Recover the Maximum Possible Settlement 

If you want to recover the maximum possible settlement after an accident, having an attorney on your side is the best way to do so. An attorney is responsible for advocating for you every step of the way. 

Call Bednarz Law Today

At the office of Bednarz Law, our accident attorneys in Nashville, TN understand what you are going through and the level of support you need. We have years of experience working on accident claims and helping claimants like you get the settlements they deserve. To learn more about your options and how we can help, send us a message directly or call us today at your convenience. We offer consultations free of charge. 

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