
What to Do After Getting Injured at Work

If you’ve been injured at work, you may not know what steps to take next or what your rights are. To ensure that you get the help you’re entitled to, follow these six steps.

1. Know Your Rights

Being aware of your rights before injuries occur can save you a lot of stress. Read your company’s policies and familiarize yourself with state and federal laws regarding work-related injuries. In most cases, you have the right seek medical attention and file a workers compensation claim. You may also qualify for time off or financial compensation. You may be represented by a lawyer that specializes in Iowa workers compensation law when needed.

2. Get First Aid

Immediately after an injury, you should receive first aid or other medical treatment if needed. If the situation is non-emergent, you must obtain the help of a doctor who has been certified by the Workers’ Compensation Board. As long as your claim is not disputed, your medical expenses will be covered by your employer.

3. Report the Incident

After immediate medical needs have been met, you should report the incident to your employer or supervisor. Different companies and states may have varying procedures as to how incidents are reported. Make sure you are aware of any time limitations on reporting injuries and any paperwork you will need. Your employer should walk you through the process and tell you what is required.

4. Submit a Claim

You may need to submit a claim to the Workers’ Compensation Board. If this is the case, you will need to procure the necessary paperwork and return it in person or by mail to the nearest Workers’ Compensation Board office once completed.

5. Follow Medical Directions

Your doctor will give you directions on how to care for your injury and when you should be able to work again. Follow their directs and get any documentation from them that you may need for your employer and the Workers’ Compensation Board.

6. Attend Hearings

In some cases, there may be court hearings to determine what compensation and accommodations you are entitled to. You have the right to be represented by a personal injury attorney if needed. Attend any required meetings or hearings, and follow the advice of your lawyer.

Knowing your rights and what steps you should take when it comes to work-related injuries can help you get the care and financial support that you need.


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