
Get to know about Daypro and other similar Drugs

The chemical composition of Daypro is found in almost 20 other drugs. Daypro is a trading name for the parent Medicine Oxaprozin or Oxaprozinum. It is an NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug). A drug that is used to reduce inflammation, stiffness, swelling. It was majorly used to treat joint pain due to Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. A study was conducted in 2015 with Oxaprozin, Daypro, and a few other NSAIDs to compare the efficiency of the short-term treatment of ankylosing Spondylitis.

The drug showed effective results compared to placebo. Since the study was combined with various medications, no one prescription could be determined as the best solution for Ankylosing Spondylitis. Extorixib, Oxaprozin, Daypro showed the least amount of pain and lesser side effects.

What were Daypro side effects?

Daypro Drug was developed to relieve signs and symptoms of Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. However, the medication dose was strict for Children and Adults based on their weight ratio.

Daypro and drugs of a similar chemical combination showed contradicting side effects in patients with Hypersensitivity( anaphylactic reaction and skin reactions like a rash). It also opposed patients who had a history of asthma, urticaria, or allergies. Severe to fatal anaphylactic reactions were reported due to the use of Daypro and similar drugs.

Daypro Side Effects

●      Cardiovascular Thrombotic Events.

Dayprusingando drugs, oxaprozin, and other similar drugs showed side effects after using these NSAIDs for up to three years. This included Cardiovascular Thrombotic events such as Myocardial infarction and stroke that can be fatal. Patients with a history of CV disease had an increased risk of CV thrombotic events due to their increased baseline rate. The CV imbalance was observed as early as a week into the medication course, showing severe CV thrombotic risk signs linked directly to the dosage amount. The continuous use of Daypro, Oxaprozin showed an increased risk of gastrointestinal (GI) Events. One of the serious Daypro Side effects was even warned by the FDA.

●      Post CABG (Post Coronary Artery Bypass) Surgery Effects

Two clinical trials showed the NSAID treatment using Daypro/Oxaprozin increased the incidence of myocardial infarction and event of a stroke. A case study in Danish National Registry showed that the post-MI period patients treated with NSAIDs of Oxaprozin and similar NSAIDs showed an increased risk of reinfarction CV-related death and caused death beginning right from the first week of treatment.

●      Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Ulceration and Perforation

Patients who had a history of these diseases like ulcer bleeding, GI Bleeding had a 10x increase in developing GI bleeding. Also, patients with advanced liver disease and coagulopathy had an increased risk of GI bleeding due to prolonged medication use.

Some of the other side effects include Serious Skin Rashes,  Premature closure of Fetal Ductus Arteriosus, Hematologic toxicity, Photosensitivity, Inflammation and fever, Heart Failure, Edema, and much more.

Daypro medication

In the last quarter of 2020, The FDA required the drug label to be updated for all NSAIDs to describe all the possible side effects, including kidney problems to unborn babies, further leading to low amniotic fluid. Hence avoiding the NSAIDs in pregnant women at 20 weeks or later in pregnancy.

FDA issued warning to patients about Daypro

  • Daypro medication, like other NSAIDs, causes CV side effects, such as MI or stroke, which may result in hospitalization and even death. Mentioned under the warning of cardiovascular Effects
  • Warning under Gastrointestinal Effects, Risk of Ulceration, Bleeding, and perforation, for GI Side effects such as ulcers and bleeding may result in hospitalization and even death.
  • Patients are requested to consult their physicians once they notice any symptoms or side effects.
  • Difficulty in breathing, swelling on the face and throat are some of the warning signs mentioned on the label and must be consulted immediately with the physicians.
  • In late pregnancy, as with other NSAID’s DAYPRO is to be avoided as it may cause ductus Arteriosus.


While using NSAIDs, there should be enough evidence that the person. If at all NSAID’s like Dayrpo as prescribed by the doctor, at the lowest possible level for your treatment, it should be used for a limited time.

If you have been using Daypro and are unaware, you must check with your doctor if it is relevant to use the medication. If you have faced side effects or even fatal accidents due to the use of such NSAID’s you must consult with a lawyer. Who will help you in getting the compensation for damages caused? The attorney will work the case against the doctor, medical institute, or even the pharmaceutical firm.


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