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Motorcycle Accident Injuries, Fatalities, and Receiving Justice

There are startling facts about motorcycle accidents that every motorcyclist needs to know. The injuries and deaths that occur every year often leads motorcycle drivers or their family members to seek legal counsel from a Houston personal injury attorney.

Learn the staggering statistics of motorcycle injuries and fatalities across the U.S., and the State of Texas, and how to potentially receive the best possible recovery.

Motorcycle Accident Facts and Statistics

The number of motorcycle accidents that occur annually are possibly sometimes overlooked because many people likely do not think of separating motorcycle fatalities and injuries from overall motor vehicle accident statistics. The statistics and facts regarding annual motorcycle accidents reveal potentially startling information.

Some sources indicate that motorcycle crashes have decreased in the past couple of years. Yet, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) stresses the fact that motorcycle riders remain overrepresented in traffic fatalities. Similarly, the National Safety Council (NSC), and the Insurance Information Institute (III) reveal disturbing statistics, including:

  • 91 percent of the individuals killed in motorcycle accidents in 2017 were males
  • The number of motorcycle drivers and passengers injured or killed in crashes more than doubled between the years 1997 and 2017
  • Motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to die in a motorcycle crash than individuals in a passenger car involved in a crash when considering the number of miles traveled
  • When crashes occur between motorcycles and other vehicles it is usually the other vehicle that is at fault

There were 416 deaths involving motorcyclists in Texas during 2018. This represented 11 percent of all motor vehicle fatalities. If you or your loved one is involved in a motorcycle crash, contacting a Houston personal injury attorney helps you start on your way towards possibly recovering damages from the driver that caused the accident.

Wearing a Helmet Helps Decrease Your Chances of Injury or Death in a Motorcycle Crash

There are several important ways that you can help decrease your risk of becoming involved in a motorcycle accident. The first step is to always wear a helmet.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that Abogado de KalAttorneys para lesiones automovilísticas helmets saved approximately 1,859 lives in 2016. The CDC also explains that wearing a motorcycle helmet reduces the risk of death by 37 percent, and the risk of injury by 69 percent.

Steps to Take if You are Involved in a Motorcycle Accident

Follow these steps if you are involved in a motorcycle accident:

  • Stay at the scene of the accident
  • Take as many pictures as possible
  • Always go to the hospital from the scene because you could have internal injuries or injuries that you cannot see immediately
  • Never give a statement to the other party’s insurance representative

Contact an experienced Houston personal injury attorney so that you have your best chance of receiving justice after a motorcycle accident.

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