
Everything About the Profession of a Lawyer, Advocate or Lawyer

Talking about the profession of a lawyer, advocate or lawyer , basically these two parties provide legal services. However, in the past, these two terms had differences in terms of their practical location.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Justice, an advocate is allowed to provide legal services in court and can hold proceedings throughout Indonesia. While a lawyer’s license to practice is only granted by a local court. In other words, the scope of practice of a lawyer is more limited than that of an advocate.

If a lawyer wishes to speak outside the area of ​​his/her license to practice, then the lawyer needs to request a license from the court where he/she intends to provide legal services.

Since Law No. 18 of 2009 concerning Advocates was passed down, now there is no difference between advocates and lawyers. According to article 1 paragraph (1) of the Advocates Law, all people who have the profession of providing legal services inside and outside the courts throughout the Republic of Indonesia are called advocates, including lawyers.

How Do Lawyers Work?

Although information about the profession of lawyers, advocates or lawyers is commonly heard, there are still many who do not fully understand how lawyers work. The prevailing paradigm in the wider community is that the job of an advocate is to free clients from lawsuits. Of course, this paradigm is not correct.  

According to the Secretary General of the national leadership of the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI), an advocate’s job is to provide legal assistance so that a client can get their rights during the legal process.

In practice, an advocate is free to issue a statement or opinion while defending a client’s case in court as long as he adheres to the professional code of ethics and legislation.

In addition, every advocate also has an obligation to keep all information secret from his clients, except for other provisions stipulated by law. One more thing, lawyers or advocates are prohibited from discriminating the treatment of their clients based on religion, politics, gender, race, or social and cultural background.

4 Qualities a Great Lawyer Needs to Have

A great lawyer is not only judged by how smart he is in mastering the theory and applicable laws, but also needs to have the following 5 qualities.

Have persuasive abilities

In resolving cases in court, a lawyer must have good persuasive abilities. The goal is for you to convince the court of the client’s position.

Able to negotiate well

The second quality that a lawyer needs to have is the ability to negotiate. This bargaining skill is useful for reaching a good agreement between the parties involved.

Can control emotions

Not all trials always run smoothly. There are times when a lawyer is faced with arguments or threats that often affect their emotions. Therefore, great lawyers are those who have the ability to control emotions well.

Have patience

Finally, a lawyer also needs to practice patience skills because some cases usually take months before they are finally resolved.

Thus a brief review about the profession of a lawyer, advocate or lawyer . In addition to requiring the 4 skills above, a professional lawyer is usually supported with complete business facilities to optimize his performance.

Renting a building as a practice is one of the things that need to be prepared for a new lawyer. Unfortunately, renting an office building sometimes costs a lot of money.

Therefore, there is now a virtual office service that allows you to have a business office at an affordable rental price. Interestingly, the rental price for a virtual office generally includes operational facilities, electricity costs, and cleaning services. That way, you can save on monthly expenses. If you need Stuart motorcycle accident lawyer please visit this website

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