
Custody Case-How Do You Organize Your Evidence?

If you suspect you may be a party to a custody battle, you must be knowledgeable for obtaining and organizing evidence that must be followed. If you gather proof ahead of time, you may be able to save money while simultaneously improving your negotiating position.

Put your plan into action as quickly as possible while your ideas are still fresh in your mind. As soon as possible, begin keeping a daily record of your thoughts and feelings. According to coil law, you should include information on your children in activities and any concerns you have about the behavior of another parent in this documentation.

Parental Involvement

When deciding on child custody, a court looks out for your kid’s best interests. When deciding on child custody, judges consider several considerations. These are:

  • Current Actual Custody Schedule
  • Do you have a record of violence?
  • Parental Living Situation & Standards
  • Do you or your child’s other parents neglect your child?
  • How actively engaged are you in your child’s life?
  • Addiction – Do you or your partner overuse drugs and/or alcohol?
  • Want to Co-Parent — You must want to co-parent your kid.

Keep in mind the aforementioned considerations while obtaining child custody evidence to ensure it is relevant and will support your argument.

Types Of Evidence To Collect

Typical evidence in custody cases proceedings includes:

  • All emails, texts, voicemails, and letters to your child’s other parent
  • Journaux
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Audiotapes
  • Schedules – along with any cancellations or reschedules by the other parent
  • Records – medical, school, financial, and police.
  • Social Media
  • Your Daily Log

It may be the most essential piece of evidence they have. Here’s why: Any parent may testify orally regarding particular discussions involving their kid. Parents will have greater evidence if they keep a diary and can return to it to reinforce their memory.


Your calendar records the time you spend with your kid. It’s like your diary, but it offers you and the family law counsel another visual tool to demonstrate your child’s time with you.

Make sure that the calendar is always accessible. Notate when another parent refused you visitation and other issues with the other parent. Buy a 5′ x 3′ calendar before going to court. Take this to court with you, and write it all down.


If you are not permitted to see your kid regularly, show them a chart of missing visits. Like the calendar and daily notebook, this strategy will impress the court.


These picture slideshows are one of the most persuasive pieces of evidence your family court attorney can submit in court. It’s impossible to argue that you’re a terrible parent when the court sees hundreds of images of you in your kids.

Witnesses List

Family, employers, counselors, doctors, instructors, coaches, or record keepers are possible witnesses. Give your attorney the information listed here. You and your lawyer may also collaborate on this list.

  • Witness names, residences, and phone numbers
  • Availability of witnesses for hearing or trial
  • Is your witness willing to testify in court?
  • Whether the witnesses’ employers will allow them to testify
  • Demand the witness present proof
  • How your testimony may help your case, Not all possible witnesses will help your case.

Remember that witness testimony helps the court establish the validity of your child custody claims. Witnesses that are not prejudiced and have a personal or expert understanding of you, your kid, and the other parent are usually the most persuasive.

Remember to include your child’s daycare providers, teachers, and neighbors.

Voicemails You and your lawyer will want to rapidly get to the pertinent sections of extensive voicemails from your child’s other parent. The court does not always need to hear complete communication. You may even enrage the court by playing irrelevant messages.

However, if the court asks for them, it is crucial to have them all. Also, consider with your familial law attorney how and when to produce the voicemail messages in court.

Credible Evidence

Evidence must be relevant to the child custody case to be admitted in court. Don’t squander the court’s time on topics unrelated to child custody, child welfare, or the kid’s best interests.


When you’re in a custody dispute, your last hearing will be shortly, and the judge will determine who gets custody of the kid. To obtain possession and establish you are the superior parent, you need to offer plenty of proof.

Remember that the court will not value your testimony. Presenting clear and structured evidence can help you, and the family law attorney wins your custody case.

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