
All about a divorce lawyer in Singapore

Divorce is the legal closing of the marital relationship. The divorce process is managed by family law attorneys and includes several issues, ranging from the division of property to child custody. While hiring a knowledgeable and skilled lawyer is vital, it is also critical to look for an attorney with whom you feel comfortable on a personal level. Divorce is a completely sentimental process, needing intricate people skills in addition to legal know-how. Need more information about a divorce lawyer in Singapore? Click here.

Know what a Divorce Lawyer Do

A divorce lawyer defends the rights of their client, along with managing the related financial aspects and related custody of the divorce. Primarily, a divorce lawyer will also clarify the law and your available legal options. The attorney must review your situation and its affiliated documents. These can include tax returns, paycheck stubs, and property value information. They also have to listen to the client’s account of their situation, and their objectives, and counsel based on these particular needs.

Why do you need a divorce lawyer?

Working through the legal process of divorce is usually complicated. It is characterized by waiting periods, important paperwork, and filing many forms. The more work a lawyer has to do, the more costly it will be. There are various reasons why people decide to hire a divorce lawyer, such as:

  • Divorce lawyers are experts at presenting a case to a judge. Searching for the best deal for their clients and seeing the wider picture.
  • Divorce lawyers can provide options people may have not perceived were available.
  • They may suggest settlement options, anticipate the outcome, and organize together a settlement proposal as a result of their experience with alike cases.

What you should understand about divorce lawyers?

There are 3 kinds of divorce lawyers, such as:

  • The solo divorce lawyer
  • This divorce lawyer can be part of a small law firm as a partner, or have a law firm in their name. They will mostly charge a small fee for a first consultation to ensure the client is serious.
  • The high-net-worth divorce lawyer
  • These lawyers are mostly associated with strong reputations or larger law firms for contentious cases. They highlight representing people with greater financial means.
  • The divorce law firm
  • The divorce law firm mostly consists of a lawyer with some legal associates working under him. Because of this structure, this attorney can handle a huge volume of divorce cases compared to a solo divorce lawyer.

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