
A quick overview of Customs Compliance for new importers!

If you want to import goods for sale in the US, you have to adhere to all rules & regulations set by US. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). For new importers, all of that can be confusing and overwhelming. That said, customs compliance is an aspect that importers cannot take for granted. There are some nice training courses on customs compliance, and you can find a lot of information for free online, but sometimes, doing things on your own can be hard. That’s where a licensed customs broker can help. Working with services like Clearit USA Amazon customs brokerage can be really useful. In this post, we are discussing some basic aspects of customs compliance. 

Following the compliance requirements

There are some basic compliance requirements that must be followed. From obtaining, submitting and documenting data related to reports and maintaining records of such data is the first step. Importers are also required to audit and review data as per regulations. Furthermore, declarations must be made on commissions, royalties, and all imports must be labeled and marked properly for manufacturer and country of origin. 

The need for customs compliance

For any importer, regardless of the size of their business, keeping up with U.S Customs Compliance standards is not a choice. Even small mistakes and errors in paperwork and declaration can lead to fines, penalties, and other damages. Your business may be subjected to compliance audits, and this may further increase the cost of imports and impact your profits directly. In worst cases, you may lose out on import privileges. There is something called ‘reasonable care’, with regards to Customs Compliance. This basically means that an importer has taken all possible steps to ensure that the documentation and paperwork are as true and factual as possible. 

Working with a customs broker

 All customs brokers in the US are licensed, and they can help you keep up with Customs Compliance and meet all the necessary requirements to get your goods imported for commercial needs. Customs brokers can further offer help and assistance with compliance audits, preparation of documents, goods marking and evaluation. If you have any questions, you can always choose to ask the customs broker for help and information, and they don’t need to be at the port of entry to handle the work for your company. 

Most importers prefer working with customs attorney, because they don’t want to deal with the unwanted complications involved with importing in general and Customs Compliance.

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